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Perf Embosser - 1

Perf Embosser

The Perf Embosser is a great value and an excellent choice for both towels and wider web widths.
Matched Steel Embosser - 1

Matched Steel Embosser

The precision engraved Matched Steel Embosser is perfect for single-ply napkin or towel substrates.
Paper-on-Steel Embosser - 1

Paper-on-Steel Embosser

The Paper-on-Steel Embosser is ideal for border embossing where ply bonding is desired.
Pin-to-Paper Embosser - 1

Pin-to-Paper Embosser

The Pin-to-Paper Embosser is ideal for pin border embossing where ply bonding is desired.
Modified Matched Steel Emboasser

Modified Matched Steel Embosser

The Modified Matched Steel Embosser is ideal for multi-ply and lamination. The die roll runs against a roll engraved to a partial depth.