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Nested Combiner - 2

Nested Combiner-Embosser

The Nested Combiner-Embosser is designed for two-ply rubber-to-steel embossing with glue lamination. The plies are separately embossed and then laminated together. During lamination, the embossed pattern of one sheet is "nested" between the pattern of the other sheet.
Point-to-Point Combiner-Embosser - 1

Point-to-Point Combiner-Embosser

The Point-to-Point Combiner-Embosser is ideal for two-ply rubber to steel embossing with glue or water lamination. The plies are separately embossed with a pattern and then laminated together. During lamination, only the tips of the embossed patterns are lined up and in contact with one another which builds more bulk.