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10 Inch Orbital Log Saw - 1

10 Inch Orbital Log Saw

The 10" Orbital Log Saw can be configured as single-lane or dual-lane for multifold or singlefold banded product. Configurations available up to 270 clips per minute of banded product, and has trim capability.
10 Inch High-Speed Orbital Log Saw - 1

10 Inch High-Speed Orbital Log Saw

The 10" High-Speed Orbital Log Saw can be configured as single-lane or dual-lane for high volume interfolders. Configurations available up to 450 clips per minute of unbanded product.
24 Inch Orbital Log Saw - 1

24 Inch Orbital Log Saw

The 24" Orbital Log Saw can be configured as single-lane or dual-lane for facial, bath tissue, or towel. Configurations available up to 560 clips per minute. Grinding dust removal system available.
Compact Coreless Log Saw - 1

Compact Coreless Log Saw

The Compact Coreless Log Saw is ideal for integration into your coreless rewinder. Our single-head, dual-lane configuration will provide a lifetime of high-quality cuts for logs in the 4" to 6" diameter range.
Industrial Roll Log Saw - 1

Industrial Roll Log Saw

The Industrial Roll Log Saw can be incorporated into an existing rewinder line and is ideal for higher density logs. Available as a single-head, two-lane saw or a dual-head, four-lane saw that cuts jumbo toilet rolls and jumbo wound toweling.