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Unwind Stands

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SideWinder Center Driven Unwind Stands

SideWinder Center Driven Unwind Stand

The Sidewinder is ideal for soft parent rolls. It features quick roll changes with no additional roll handling equipment needed. Rolls are floor-loaded and servo-driven, unwinding from the top or bottom of the roll.
Super SideWinder Center Driven Unwind Stands

Super SideWinder Center Driven Unwind Stand

The Super Sidewinder is ideal for soft parent rolls. It features quick roll changes with no additional roll handling equipment needed. Rolls are floor-loaded and servo-driven, unwinding from the top or bottom of the roll.
Shaftless Self-Lifting Non-Driven Unwind Stands

Shaftless Self-Lifting Non-Driven Unwind Stand

With the Shaftless Self-Lifting Non-Driven Unwind Stand, parent rolls are hydraulically chucked and lifted from the floor into a running position. Web tension is controlled by a pneumatic friction brake and an electronic control system. The operator pendent controls chucking and unchucking, lifting and lowering rolls, and side lay operations.